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Vickie Tseng | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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PiJoly23-Apr-2017 12:48
What's up Vickie, are you there ? ___Best regards, Pierre
Graeme03-Jan-2015 00:16
Happy New Year and all the very best for 2015 Vickie!!
Carl H. Johnson24-Dec-2012 17:04
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!!
Hugh Vincent30-Jun-2012 08:58
I enjoyed looking at your gallery. It looked as though you had a lot of fun taking these photos.

Hugh Vincent
Guest 24-Aug-2011 07:16
Vickie BROWN14-Feb-2011 17:38
All we certainly realize the points, and it is not easy during the hard time to the person(s) involved
Guest 14-Feb-2011 17:32
Guest 04-Aug-2009 19:13
What kind of the plunderer took such huge amount from several dead, of cause, it will ruin of him, let's see the it.
Ron 29-Nov-2006 12:02
How sweet you are
Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j02-Sep-2005 05:25
to Vicki BROWN


Guest 10-Jun-2005 03:19
Äû¤l©j 12-Apr-2005 17:11
Äû¤l©j 12-Apr-2005 17:08
Äû¤l©j 12-Apr-2005 17:07

Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j07-Feb-2005 08:49
