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joanteno | profile | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> Sunrises from 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sunrises from 2006

My Favorite time of the day- No cell phones, No beepers - Just me, my dog, my camera, and my thoughts!
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pbase April 21 2006.jpg
pbase April 21 2006.jpg
Pbase Sunrise on April 28 2006.jpg
Pbase Sunrise on April 28 2006.jpg
Pbase sunrise 2 on May 8 2006.jpg
Pbase sunrise 2 on May 8 2006.jpg
Pbase 100 acre cove clamming May 22 2006.jpg
Pbase 100 acre cove clamming May 22 2006.jpg
pbase June 1 Sunrise.jpg
pbase June 1 Sunrise.jpg
Pbase Sunrise on July 9 2006.jpg
Pbase Sunrise on July 9 2006.jpg
Squid July 15 2006 pbase.jpg
Squid July 15 2006 pbase.jpg
Pbase September 13 2006 Sunrise 1.jpg
Pbase September 13 2006 Sunrise 1.jpg
Pbase Sunrise over the Barrington Yacht Club September 23 2006.jpg
Pbase Sunrise over the Barrington Yacht Club September 23 2006.jpg
Pbase Morning Sunrise 3 on October 14 2006.jpg
Pbase Morning Sunrise 3 on October 14 2006.jpg
pbase Sunrise on October 17 2006 vs 2.jpg
pbase Sunrise on October 17 2006 vs 2.jpg
pbase Novemeber 7 2008 Election day.jpg
pbase Novemeber 7 2008 Election day.jpg
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