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Geoff C | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Geoff C
Name Geoff C (joined 20-Jun-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username geoff_c
Personal URL
Location Liverpool
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View Galleries : Geoff C has 74 galleries and 2171 images online.
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View Guestbook : 18 messages. Most recent on 28-Jun-2011.

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Message from Geoff C
Welcome to my website - it contains a wide selection of photos that have been taken over a decade of photography in UK and around the world.

I am based in Liverpool, UK, and have been a keen amateur photographer for over 30 years. After years of shooting on wet films and slides, I am now totally digital. After 6 years shooting with Olympus DSLRs, I swapped to the full-frame Canon D6, supported by a Canon G10.

The challenge for me is to get the shot right in the camera first time. It is my view that the camera is the device of choice for capturing the shot, with the computer being the tool of processing. I therefore shoot totally on RAW carrying out my post-processing work with a combination of Apple Aperture, Photoshop and Lightroom.

I hope you enjoy my work. Feel free to contact me should you want to reproduce any of the shots as I can provide them in any format or size that suits. All I would ask is that you don't take and use any of my photos without first making contact.


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