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Charlie Fleming's Recent Galleries

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10-Sep-2024 19:38
Pints and pubs from  around the world.
:: Pints and pubs from around the world. ::
31-Aug-2024 18:05
Spotted Flycatcher -  Muscicapa Striata
:: Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa Striata ::
28-Aug-2024 21:28
Devon Birds, a photographic list with some video. 272 species  to date from my home county.
:: Devon Birds, a photographic list with some video. 272 species to date from my home county. ::
27-Aug-2024 22:01
American Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
:: American Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica erythrogaster ::
19-Aug-2024 18:44
Fin Whale
:: Fin Whale ::
19-Aug-2024 18:27
Great Shearwater - Puffinus gravis
:: Great Shearwater - Puffinus gravis ::
19-Aug-2024 18:12
Scopolis_Shearwater - Calonectris diomedea
:: Scopolis_Shearwater - Calonectris diomedea  ::
24-Jun-2024 09:39
My 6 Birdguides Photo of the Week and my 66 notable photos.
:: My 6 "Birdguides" Photo of the Week and my 66 notable photos. ::
14-Mar-2024 14:31
Velvet-fronted nuthatch - Sitta frontalis
:: Velvet-fronted nuthatch - Sitta frontalis ::
11-Mar-2024 23:34
White-rumped Shama
:: White-rumped Shama ::
11-Mar-2024 23:22
 lesser adjutant - Leptoptilos javanicus
::  lesser adjutant - Leptoptilos javanicus ::
11-Mar-2024 19:47
Little Bunting - Emberiza pusilla
:: Little Bunting - Emberiza pusilla ::